Samsung phone-based combat information device to help military


The military will introduce a Samsung smartphone-based combat information device on a trial basis next year that will enable troops to view real-time battle information without relying on communications networks.

The Defence Acquisition Program Administration said it has signed a contract with LIG Nex1 Co. to buy the individual combat equipment for the Army and the Marine Corps, which will allow troops to communicate, sharing intelligence and battle situations, without a separate communications repeater, reports Yonhap news agency.

Developed using the South Korean tech giant’s Galaxy S20 Tactical Edition, the handheld device also provides a night display mode and stealth function to block communications, it said.

The new combat system is one of seven items South Korea decided to purchase under the rapid acquisition project.

“The new combat command system is expected to be delivered for trial in the next three to six months,” an agency official said. “The military will decide whether to formally request its deployment after the trial use.”

Other items to be introduced include indigenously developed drone-detecting radar and an unmanned multipurpose vehicle.

Launched in May, the rapid acquisition project is aimed at swiftly bringing in innovative items in the private sector for military purposes.



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