The synergy of edge computing and AI in telecom


By Kuljesh Puri, Senior Vice President & General Manager – Communications, Media & Technology, Persistent Systems

In the last decade, there’s been a monumental shift in the telecom market dynamics, largely due to the increasing digital demand for network accessibility and connectivity. Consumers aren’t just hungry for data; they’re starving for instant, ubiquitous connectivity.

In this data-driven landscape, a comprehensive data management strategy isn’t just important—it’s critical. The vast amounts of data the general population uses travels over network infrastructure built and maintained by telcos. This information must be effectively aggregated, stored, and filtered to support the next generation of network technologies.

Consider India, an example of this global trend. In December 2023, the country surpassed 936 million internet subscriptions, as reported by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI). This 2 percent increase in just three months highlights the escalating reliance on data for various aspects of daily life.

These numbers show that the digital appetites of consumers and businesses have grown exponentially, pushing traditional systems to their breaking point. It’s become increasingly clear that yesterday’s solutions—built on centralised data centers and passive networks—are struggling to keep pace with tomorrow’s requirements.

Yet, as is often the case, from this crucial challenge emerges opportunity. Edge AI—the innovative force that’s not just meeting these challenges but also redefining the possibilities of what a network can be.

Power of Edge AI

Edge AI represents a paradigm shift in network architecture. It brings computational power and decision-making capabilities to the data source, enabling real-time processing that was once thought impossible. This decentralised approach revolutionises how we conceive, build, and manage telecommunications networks.

For telecom leaders, Edge AI isn’t just a technological shift; it’s a strategic imperative. A McKinsey survey of 75 executives in North America and Western Europe reveals that a quarter of respondents are already deploying or scaling edge solutions, with the remainder actively exploring various use cases. For 55% of these leaders, the primary goal is boosting network efficiency and performance.

From predictive maintenance that anticipates network issues before they occur to personalised services that adapt in real-time to user needs, Edge AI is setting a new standard for what’s possible in our industry.

The biggest asset of Edge AI is its ability to facilitate data processing even without an internet connection. From analyzing call volumes to assessing caller sentiment instantaneously, Edge AI is transforming raw data into actionable intelligence at unprecedented speeds.

Strategic applications of edge computing and AI

The convergence of edge computing and AI is unlocking transformative opportunities across various domains. This powerful combo drives network operations and instantaneous decision-making, empowering telcos to stay ahead of the competition.

In practice, this means network issues are resolved before customers even notice. Traffic is rerouted in milliseconds to prevent congestion, and resources are allocated on the fly to meet sudden spikes in demand.

AI-driven tools have the potential to transform network performance optimisation. From pinpointing the perfect antenna placement to optimising tower heights, AI is fine-tuning our networks with surgical precision. It’s not merely improving performance; it’s architecting the foundation for 5G’s promised land of seamless, immediate connectivity. With AI, organisations will be able to better predict when network issues will occur. Armed with this knowledge, they can carry out pre-emptive maintenance of network infrastructure, significantly reducing—if not eliminating—downtime.

Enhanced communications with 5G: The low latency and high bandwidth enable a wide range of applications that demand instant responsiveness and seamless connectivity. Many applications that previously faced limitations due to network lag can now flourish. Imagine seamless video conferencing without buffering or autonomous vehicles navigating complex environments in real time—these are just a few possibilities unlocked by 5G’s transformative capabilities.

Proactive network management: By integrating AI capabilities into network probes, telecom companies can detect potential issues before they impact service quality. These intelligent probes continuously monitor network activity, analyzing live data to identify potential bottlenecks, configuration errors, or security threats. This foresight allows for preventative measures to be taken before problems arise, ensuring a consistently high service quality for customers.

High-throughput vision systems: Powered by GenAI, these systems represent a significant leap forward in actual security and monitoring capabilities. For telecom executives, this technology convergence offers a compelling opportunity to expand service offerings and create new revenue streams.

Enhanced security: In an era where data privacy is paramount, edge computing offers a robust solution to protect sensitive customer information. By pre-processing and anonymizing data at the edge before transmission to the cloud, telecom companies can significantly reduce the risk of data breaches. This approach enhances customer trust and aligns with increasingly stringent data protection regulations.

Data optimisation: By moving the data processing to the network edge, telecom companies can reduce the amount of data sent over the network infrastructure. The telco networks can be better served to carry critical data, reducing the load on the network.

Exploring edge AI solutions through tech collaborations

Collaboration with hyperscalers will be instrumental in driving efficiency, scale, and innovation. With their expertise and resources, they can help telecom companies revolutionize network infrastructure and services.

Many enterprises are forging strategic alliances with tech companies to establish innovation labs and incubators to explore pioneering Edge AI solutions. These provide fertile ground for co-developing groundbreaking wireless applications and products. Rather than head-to-head competition, telecom companies and tech firms are increasingly recognizing the value of collaboration. By working together to develop infrastructure, applications, and sales models, they can accelerate growth and deliver innovative enterprise solutions faster.
Managing Challenges and the Road Ahead

Businesses weighing the financial implications of Edge AI may be uncertain how this technology will integrate with their existing, intricate IT infrastructure. Besides initial deployment costs, ongoing expenses associated with management and operation also need to be considered. By evaluating the financial implications, telcos can make informed decisions about long-term strategic objectives, mitigating fraud risks and sustainable growth in the era of Edge AI.

Once past these early roadblocks, companies will see that Edge AI has the potential to completely transform the way they operate. By bringing data analysis right to the edge of their networks, they can become more efficient, responsive, and innovative.

A key challenge for telcos will be to find pertinent use cases that will justify the spend on this new technology. Also, to find the right partners who will help them attain a leadership position and increase their market share.

Edge AI stands poised to unleash a wave of disruptive services such as predictive maintenance, live network optimisation, and enhanced customer experiences that will redefine the telecom industry. While the leap to Edge AI requires strategic thinking and future-focused investment, it could well be the secret weapon that helps businesses stay ahead of the curve and thrive in an increasingly competitive digital landscape.


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