Avaya Introduces New Cloud Based Offering


Avaya Holdings Corporation has introduced its new cloud-native, Unified Communications-as-a-Service solution running on Google Cloud Platform to help customers of all sizes, including small-to-medium businesses (SMB), more fully leverage the flexibility, efficiency and scalability of cloud.

Initially available in 24 markets globally, this new offer enables Avaya partners to more effectively transition SMBs to cloud-based communications. Powered by Avaya IX provides a customizable, just-in-time cloud communications infrastructure that allows partners to achieve significant cost-reduction with the capability to provision services for their customers at cloud speed. Building on its strategic integration with Google Cloud, this is the deployment platform for Powered by Avaya IX, providing cost benefits through this highly resilient and scalable solution. Avaya has also adopted Kubernetes to empower Avaya solutions with microservices and containerization, taking a true cloud foundation design approach in their solution offerings. This advances multiple cloud deployment options for businesses, delivering the benefits of cloud solutions while avoiding the one-size-fits-all limitation offered by other providers.

Powered by Avaya IX now gives SMBs an attractive cloud communications option with many of the capabilities, features and benefits previously associated with larger enterprise offerings,” said Chris McGugan, Avaya Senior Vice President, Solutions & Technology. “This new offer is branded by our partners and accelerates the opportunities for the global network of Avaya authorized partners to expand the market with a robust, secure and reliable communications platform. Partners can leverage Avaya’s popular communication offer deployed on Google Cloud, without the need to invest in and support their own infrastructure, providing an attractive option over competing cloud offers.”

Avaya has produced a strong set of cloud offerings for their communications products,” said Ken Dulaney, Vice President & Research Fellow, Aragon Research. “These offerings can be delivered by its global partner network in a cloud platform meeting the needs of organizations of all shapes and sizes. Avaya is delivering this platform as part of its ongoing collaboration with Google Cloud and its containerization technology meeting the pressing functionality, cost reduction and security needs of its clients.”

Olitel is an IT systems integrator based in Brazil and a key partner for Avaya in Latin America. “Avaya’s approach to cloud communications deployment options and containerization helps further extend our competitive edge in the market,” said Mario Mendez, CEO, Olitel. “By providing just-in-time infrastructure, we minimize our costs while allowing us to offer the benefits of a complete cloud Unified Communications solution to our customers. The new architecture also allows us to cost-effectively reach the smallest businesses and scale from there, making any size organizations an opportunity for us.”

Avaya currently has approximately 3.7 million cloud seats between its public and private offerings and continues to experience significant growth in new cloud customers. 


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