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Actifio appoints ValueData Technologies its authorised distributor India, South Asia

Actifio, a Data-as-a-Service company, has announced the appointment of ValueData Technologies as its authorised distributor for India and South Asia, a region that includes...

We have been able to open new doors for our partners: Murali Urs, Barracuda...

Barracuda Networks has over the years become a strong player in the cloud space. Murali Urs, Country Manager – India, Barracuda Networks, in an...

Apollo Hospitals first to adopt IBM Watson for Oncology and Genomics

Apollo Hospitals - one of India’s largest specialty hospital systems - today announced that Apollo will adopt Watson for Oncology and Watson for Genomics....

Best product, software, technology make things work for customers: Sudhindra Holla, Axis Communications

Sudhindra Holla, Sales Director, India & SAARC, Axis Communications in an interaction with CRN talks about how Axis Communication is trying to stay relevant...

Dell accelerates rewards program, rebates and sales enablement tools for partner business growth

Dell Technologies is investing in new programs, incentives and solutions designed to fast track its channel partners’ delivery of digital, IT, security and workforce...

Why enterprise security is a goldmine for channel partners

As the pace of digitisation accelerates, Indian enterprises are now increasingly being exposed to global threat vectors. This has increased the opportunity for specialised...

One of the major differentiators which we bring to the customer is integration: Ganesan...

Symantec is looking to transition into a much more bigger enterprise security player with huge investments in R&D and a series of acquisitions. Ganesan...

Growth and sustainability is a promise from Cisco to its partner ecosystem: Daisy Chittilapilly

Cisco is transitioning quickly from a hardware focused company to a software services entity, as networks and data centers become more software defined. Daisy...

We don’t want to oversubscribe the channel: Harpreet Bhatia, Palo Alto Networks

Palo Alto Networks believes in taking prevention-oriented approach for managing the enterprise security solutions. The company is betting big on cloud services and realigning...

Five Indian partners recognized as leaders in helping Amazon Web Services Cloud customers drive...

Amazon Internet Services Private Limited (AISPL), an company, today announced the 2018 APN Excellence Award winners, recognizing leaders in the India channel playing a key...
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New Relic Integrates its Observability Platform with NVIDIA NIM to Accelerate AI Adoption and...

New Relic, the all-in-one observability platform for every engineer, announced it is integrating its platform with NVIDIA NIM inference microservices to reduce the complexity...

NETGEAR Launches Top-of-the-line Cloud Manageable Smart Switch Series Designed for 10 Gig Connectivity

NETGEAR, the leading provider of networking products that power large and small businesses, launches the cloud-managed NETGEAR S3600 Series Smart Switches. This cutting-edge addition augments the company's esteemed...

77% of Indian companies witness surge in frauds, Cybersecurity incidents take lead: #GTBharat Report

Emerging threats are on the rise, with 71% of organisations reporting business email compromise, 65% experiencing social engineering attacks, and 54% facing identity theft in the current landscape.
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