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Indian public sector needs some fixing for true cloud adoption: Peter Moore, AWS

The vast Indian public sector will embark on a true digital journey only once the government decides to relax old procurement rules, make the...

Business collaboration proving to be a way forward for IT channel

FAIITA, PCAIT organised a day-long business meet to explore business collaborations for its members Federation of All India Information Technology Associations (FAIITA) has been actively...

Veeam recognised as ‘HPE Momentum Technology Partner’

Veeam Software has announced it has won the inaugural Hewlett-Packard Enterprise (HPE) 'Momentum Technology Partner of the Year 2018 – Data and Analytics Solutions...

We expect partners to have a deep understanding of customer pain points: Nikhil Korgaonkar,...

A leading provider of data protection and recovery software, Arcserve, has undergone multiple name changes and acquisitions (came to life as Cheyenne Software in...

Gemalto launches virtualized network encryption platform

Gemalto announced the launch of a new virtualized network encryption platform, SafeNet Virtual Encryptor CV1000 as part of its continued investment to address the...

IoT is a novel technology that is susceptible to more than 70,000 known CVEs:...

Keith Martin, Head of Asia Pacific and Corporate Business, F-Secure, in an interaction with CRN, talks about the various changing scenarios of security in...

‘Professr’ for easing the stock trading

With time we have witnessed changes in banking and trading technologies. For the banking and trading markets, advanced technology has been the major factor...

Innovation drives the wheels of fortune: Sanchit Vir Gogia

A sneak peeks into the growing opportunities for channel partners and how can they compete in a digital world. Sanchit Vir Gogia, Chief Analyst,...

We need to tap specialised skill sets among channel partners: Stanimira Koleva, Citrix

In an interaction with CRN, Stanimira Koleva, Senior Vice President and MD, Asia Pacific and Japan, Citrix, talks about the significance of the India...

AI takes cyber security to a new level for HDFC Bank

The capabilities of current security technologies coupled with the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) will take the cyber security preparedness to the next level,...
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New Cloudflare Report Shows Organisations Struggle with Outdated Security Approaches, While Online Threats Increase

Cloudflare, Inc. , the leading connectivity cloud company, today published its State of Application Security 2024 Report. Findings from this year's report reveal that...

Adobe Express for Education Fuels Strong Growth in Next-Gen Creativity and Job Skills Reaching...

This week, at the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) ISTELive24 annual conference, Adobe announced strong growth in the number of K-12 and...

New Relic Integrates its Observability Platform with NVIDIA NIM to Accelerate AI Adoption and...

New Relic, the all-in-one observability platform for every engineer, announced it is integrating its platform with NVIDIA NIM inference microservices to reduce the complexity...
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