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Six remote work security challenges your organisation should address

By Mathew Philip, Senior Director - Alliances & Business Development, APAC, LogMeIn According to Buffer’s 2021 survey, 82 percent of companies smoothly transitioned to remote working last year. Astride of the benefits such...

We demystify the business challenges and create scalable consultancy for the customers

With customers are looking ahead on the curve through omnichannel stacks, cloud security, lead analytics and automation driven transformation Digital born company, Brillio is...

Quantum solves Exabyte-Scale data management challenges with ActiveScale 6.0 Software and New Object Storage...

Quantum Corporation has recently announced a new release of ActiveScale object storage software that reshapes the way organisations store, manage and extract value from their growing...

New research uncovers Customer Service Inflection Point sparked by pandemic challenges

Businesses risk losing customers due to inconsistencies in the efficiency and quality of service across channels, according to new research by Pegasystems, the software...

Rajesh Goenka, Director – Sales & Marketing, RP tech India | How RP tech...

CRN Channel Directions 2021 | 12th May 2021 | Virtual Conference

Overcoming Microsoft Teams Challenges with Automation

By Geeman Yip, CEO, Voleer The unprecedented spike in the use of business communication platforms like Microsoft Teams during the pandemic has helped colleagues seamlessly...

IBM Study: Regulation, Technology Infrastructure and Managing an ‘Anywhere’ Workforce emerge as top challenges...

A new IBM, Institute for Business Value (IBV) study revealed that the majority of CEOs surveyed in India see technological factors, market factors and...

Top India challenges ahead for new Amazon CEO

A toughened upcoming ecommerce policy, legal feuds, the imposition of new taxes and widespread anger among the leading retail associations, the road ahead for...

Three challenges CIOs must overcome to excel in the data era: Dell Technologies

Today, business landscape around the world has transformed manifold due to the unprecedented circumstances. Economic pressures, coupled with current challenges has forced organizations to...

ServiceNow helps solve challenges to quickly vaccinate people against COVID-19

ServiceNow has announced new workflow solutions to help organizations get people vaccinated quickly. These solutions address vaccine management challenges at scale by removing logistical...
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New Cloudflare Report Shows Organisations Struggle with Outdated Security Approaches, While Online Threats Increase

Cloudflare, Inc. , the leading connectivity cloud company, today published its State of Application Security 2024 Report. Findings from this year's report reveal that...

Adobe Express for Education Fuels Strong Growth in Next-Gen Creativity and Job Skills Reaching...

This week, at the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) ISTELive24 annual conference, Adobe announced strong growth in the number of K-12 and...

New Relic Integrates its Observability Platform with NVIDIA NIM to Accelerate AI Adoption and...

New Relic, the all-in-one observability platform for every engineer, announced it is integrating its platform with NVIDIA NIM inference microservices to reduce the complexity...
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