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Veeam launches NEW Veeam Availability Suite V10

Veeam Software has announced the general availability of NEW Veeam Availability Suite v10, ushering in the next generation of data protection capabilities that increase...

Weekly Tech News Roundup – January 2020 Week 5 | 31 Jan 2020

A Roundup of the weekly tech news and updates brought to you by Express Computer and CRN India

The most pressing cyber threats for consumers in 2020

Cybercriminals may be trumping Indian users through consistent online transaction frauds, sim frauds, ATM skimming and so on

Progressive Infotech streamlines IT operations of Medanta

Noida-based IT managed services provider- Progressive Infotech has been helping healthcare giant Medanta - The Medicity in its digital transformation for the last two years....

Top 10 security trends to watch out for in 2020

As 2020 begins, rapid transformation of technologies will continue in order to make business practices more productive and efficient. With emerging technologies like IoT,...

Blazeclan gamifies sales incentivisation for insurance firm

Founded in 2010, Blazeclan operates as Premier AWS Consulting partner, with added presence in France, Belgium, US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, alongside Gold...

Ace Brain strengthens Law and Judiciary Department’s IT infrastructure

Ace Brain Systems & Software undertook deployment of servers and allied infrastructure for the Law and Judiciary Department. The Bombay High Court has launched...

Driving digital transformation using Internet of Things

By Vikas Bhonsle The widespread adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT) by companies has already had an intense impact on the way organizations conduct...

Norway-based Piql brings digital data preserving tech to India

In a bid to offer new approach to digital preservation and archiving, Norwegian company Piql has announced its innovative long-term data storage technology is...

Lack of IT security input in DevOps introduces cyber risk for 72% of companies:...

Trend Micro has announced findings from a survey that reveal organisational silos create unnecessary security risk for global businesses. The lack of security involvement...
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AI is transforming industries, processes, and is bound to change the way we live...

In an insightful interaction with CRN India, Arun Balasubramanian, VP & MD for India & South Asia, UiPath, discusses the rapid growth and strategic...

You shall not pass. Kaspersky checked 193 million passwords for resistance to various compromising...

According to the research results, 45% of all analysed passwords (87M) could be guessed by scammers within a minute. Only 23% (44M) of combinations...

Introducing ESET HOME Security Ultimate: AI-enhanced protection for today’s digital homes

ESET is pleased to announce the launch of ESET HOME Security Ultimate, the most advanced subscription tier in the comprehensive cybersecurity solution ESET HOME...
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