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Microsoft Dynamics 365 vs. Salesforce: Which is the Better CRM?

By Neeraj Gargi, Intelegain Technologies Failing to initiate customer interest? Is there a hiatus in communication, have they postponed their purchasing decision? Are they considering different...

Polycom announces new capabilities with key partners Microsoft, Amazon Web Services, Zoom, and BlueJeans

The first “smart phone” for the conference room, Polycom Trio is now the fastest selling conference phone in the company’s history - used in...

We have a strong partner portal for our B2B business partners: Altaf Halde, Managing...

Kaspersky Lab has a long history of working with the channel community, and has recently undertaken a series of channel initiatives for incentivising its...

We are a catalyst in the digital disruption era: Devendra Deshmukh, E-Zest

Devendra Deshmukh, CEO and Founder, E-Zest talks about how the company has developed its own solution accelerators to offer quality services to the customers
Altaf Halde, Kaspersky Lab

We have a strong partner portal for our B2B business partners

Kaspersky Lab has a long history of working with the channel community, and has recently undertaken a series of channel initiatives for incentivising its...
Nitin Kushal Avaya

We constantly re-invent and re-skill our partners: Nitin Kaushal, Avaya India

In an interaction with CRN, Nitin Kaushal, Head – Enterprise & Government Business, North, East & SAARC, Avaya India, shares insights into the key...
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AI is transforming industries, processes, and is bound to change the way we live...

In an insightful interaction with CRN India, Arun Balasubramanian, VP & MD for India & South Asia, UiPath, discusses the rapid growth and strategic...

You shall not pass. Kaspersky checked 193 million passwords for resistance to various compromising...

According to the research results, 45% of all analysed passwords (87M) could be guessed by scammers within a minute. Only 23% (44M) of combinations...

Introducing ESET HOME Security Ultimate: AI-enhanced protection for today’s digital homes

ESET is pleased to announce the launch of ESET HOME Security Ultimate, the most advanced subscription tier in the comprehensive cybersecurity solution ESET HOME...
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