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CRN ( Privacy Policy This privacy policy has been compiled to better serve those who are concerned with how their ‘Personally Identifiable Information’ (PII) is...

About CRN

CRN is the premier provider of IT channel media and events. We build go-to-market strategies that drive partner recruitment and enablement while creating customer...

We have a strong partner portal for our B2B business partners: Altaf Halde, Managing...

Kaspersky Lab has a long history of working with the channel community, and has recently undertaken a series of channel initiatives for incentivising its...

Our focus is more on consultative selling: Kaushal Bhatt, Director and Head – Worldwide...

Kaushal Bhatt, Director and Head – Worldwide Marketing & Strategic Alliances, Streebo talks about how the company is constantly evolving as an IT solutions provider with a focus on delivering solutions for the future.  

Digital transformation does not mean only building the asset: Varoon Rajani, Co-Founder & CEO...

Varoon Rajani, Co-Founder & CEO of BlazeClan Technologies, talks about the company’s journey as a Premier Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud Consulting partner providing cloud consulting and managed services to customers across different vertical industries

Our solutions are backed by best technical support: ST Muneer Ahamed, MD, DigitalTrack Solutions

ST Muneer Ahamed, MD, DigitalTrack Solutions talks about how the company strives to deliver innovative and quality solutions that provide measurable benefits to customers

We are one of the early adopters of cloud: Manish Tandon, Managing Director, Questa...

Manish Tandon, Managing Director, Questa Software Solutions talks about how the company has developed expertise in licensing consultancy and project management

We believe in creating our own IP: K R Chaube, Director, Techlink Infoware

K R Chaube, Director, Techlink Infoware takes us through the company's journey from hardware repairs provider to a complete enterprise business IT solutions provider

We aim to provide meaningful innovations to the customers: Mohan Rajamani, Director, Cache Technologies...

Mohan Rajamani, Director, Cache Technologies & Communications talks about the company’s goal of enabling companies to be more responsive, productive, and resilient through business technologies

We will create specialists for IoT implementations: Biren Selarka, Director, Acma Computers

Biren Selarka, Director, Acma Computers has learnt the lessons of life a hard way and how these experiences made him stronger and a champion.
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New Relic Integrates its Observability Platform with NVIDIA NIM to Accelerate AI Adoption and...

New Relic, the all-in-one observability platform for every engineer, announced it is integrating its platform with NVIDIA NIM inference microservices to reduce the complexity...

NETGEAR Launches Top-of-the-line Cloud Manageable Smart Switch Series Designed for 10 Gig Connectivity

NETGEAR, the leading provider of networking products that power large and small businesses, launches the cloud-managed NETGEAR S3600 Series Smart Switches. This cutting-edge addition augments the company's esteemed...

77% of Indian companies witness surge in frauds, Cybersecurity incidents take lead: #GTBharat Report

Emerging threats are on the rise, with 71% of organisations reporting business email compromise, 65% experiencing social engineering attacks, and 54% facing identity theft in the current landscape.
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