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Suresh Ramani_Techgyan-min

Benefits of Azure Files and Azure File Sync

This post is contributed by Suresh Ramani, Techgyan Most of the enterprise, be it large or small, have File Servers. Microsoft has  released couple of useful...
Devendra Taneja_PC Solutions

Spearheading the era of transformation through IT: Devendra Taneja, PC Solutions

Devendra Taneja, Director, PC Solutions talks about how cloud based solutions are enabling enterprises transform their businesses Tell us about your journey as an IT...
Nitin Shah, Allied Digital

We are a global digital transformation architect: Nitin Shah, Allied Digital Services

Nitin Shah, Chairman and MD, Allied Digital Services shares insights into the company’s transformational journey and how it is keeping pace with the changing...
Mukul Mathur, IBM

There is an opportunity for both traditional and new age partners in this transformational...

Channel partners will play a significant role in helping customers drive digital transformation and innovation on IBM solution. Mukul Mathur, VP – Global Business...
Anil Sethi_Dell EMC

Dell EMC ramps up business with new integrated Channel Partner Program

The channel community will play a huge role for the new Dell EMC combined entity, as the firm looks to synergize the strengths of...

We want HPE Synergy to work as a fully automated system: Mark Read, Category...

Hewlett Packard Enterprise is betting big on HPE Synergy. Given the growing market acceptance and success with early beta customers, the company has already...
Sundar Balasubramanian, VMware

We want partners to build service line on our technologies: Sundar Balasubramanian, VMware India

As businesses are embarking on digital transformation journey, there are exciting opportunities being created for the channel partners. During an interaction with Nivedan Prakash,...

We are banking upon vendor-integration in the cybersecurity space: Rohan Vaidya, CyberArk

With the threat vectors looming large in the cyber-security space, there has been a need to address the concerns with advanced mechanisms. In an...
Avaya Edge World Tour

Avaya hosts premier partner event in Mumbai, plans to strengthen partner ecosystem

Avaya today announced that it successfully concluded its premier channel partner event – Avaya Edge World Tour on 22nd December, 2017 at The Oberoi...
Nitin Kushal Avaya

We constantly re-invent and re-skill our partners: Nitin Kaushal, Avaya India

In an interaction with CRN, Nitin Kaushal, Head – Enterprise & Government Business, North, East & SAARC, Avaya India, shares insights into the key...
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Lenovo Launches Next-Gen Business-Ready AI Solutions and Advanced Liquid Cooling

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76% of companies improved their Cyber defences to qualify for cyber insurance: Sophos survey

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Zoho survey reveals that 81% of Indian MSMEs plan to increase their cloud spend...

Zoho announced the findings from its recent survey, "State of Digital and Customer Operations in Indian MSMEs". As per the survey, 81% of the...
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