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Microsoft Dynamics 365 vs. Salesforce: Which is the Better CRM?

By Neeraj Gargi, Intelegain Technologies Failing to initiate customer interest? Is there a hiatus in communication, have they postponed their purchasing decision? Are they considering different...

Arrow PC Network registered 30% Growth in FY 2017-18

Arrow PC Network announced that the company has registered a colossal business growth in FY 2017-2018. With a strong understanding of the competitive Indian...

Kaspersky Lab named a champion in Canalys Leadership Matrix for APAC in Q1 2018

Kaspersky Lab has been positioned in the Champions quadrant of the Canalys Leadership Matrix for Asia Pacific in 2018. Kaspersky Lab achieved the highest...

Channel Directions 2018: An opportunity for vendors, partners and entrepreneurs

The iconic event of CRN in India, CRN Channel Directions served as a platform for the channel ecosystem for diverse opportunities and networking, strengthening...

SUSE recognizes SAT InfoTech as solution partner

SUSE today recognized Open Source evangelists and SAP management consulting company, SAT InfoTech with Solution Partner level in the SUSE Partner Program. The Solution...

Internet users in India is expected to reach 500 million by June 2018

Mobvista  recognizes India as a high-priority market for mobile advertising and thus, reinforces its commitment to the region by expanding operations. Since Mobvista started...

Huawei partners with Savex Technologies to increase enterprise footprint in India

Huawei Enterprise Business Group (EBG) has announced its partnership with Savex Technologies to further strengthen its partner network and grow its enterprise footprint in...

Kaspersky Lab, SEA Infonet launch incentive scheme for enterprise business

Kaspersky Lab, B2B distributor, SEA Infonet has rolled its newest incentive scheme, for the current financial year. The B2B scheme, which comes with additional incentives, is...

SonicWall Cyber Threat Report Illustrates Intense Cyber Arms Race

SonicWall announced research and intelligence findings from its 2018 Cyber Threat Report. In sum, the company recorded 9.32 billion malware attacks in 2017 and...

We will work to provide cost-effective and transparent solutions to the Indian market: Vansh...

A true IT solution provider is one who builds solution according to the needs of the organization, understands the market well and keeps on...
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Sophos announces winners of Sophos India and SAARC Partner Awards 2024

Sophos has announced the winners of the Sophos India and SAARC Partner Awards 2024 at the Sophos APJ Partner 100 event in Thailand. The...

New Cloudflare Report Shows Organisations Struggle with Outdated Security Approaches, While Online Threats Increase

Cloudflare, Inc. , the leading connectivity cloud company, today published its State of Application Security 2024 Report. Findings from this year's report reveal that...

Adobe Express for Education Fuels Strong Growth in Next-Gen Creativity and Job Skills Reaching...

This week, at the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) ISTELive24 annual conference, Adobe announced strong growth in the number of K-12 and...
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