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Post financial restructuring, Avaya is operating at its full potential: Fadi Moubarak, Avaya

In an interaction with CRN, Fadi Moubarak, Vice President - Channel, Avaya shares insights into the company’s strategies post Chapter 11 and how it...

Kaspersky stresses on channel partners for its growth plan in 2018-19

In an exclusive interaction with CRN, Shrenik Bhayani, General Manager of Kaspersky Lab (South Asia), charts out the company's focus and efforts on products...

Our broad & strong portfolio offers unique advantage to partners: Tian Beng, Dell EMC

Channels form a very critical part of Dell EMC's overall strategy in the APJ region. In an exclusive conversation with CRN, Tian Beng, Senior...

Kodak Alaris Information Management helping enterprises improve business outcomes

The company has been taking a slew of initiatives to expand its partner network in the country These are excitng times for the Information Management...

Top trends that will influence Indian IT channel business in 2018

By Rajesh Goenka The year 2017 was truly the year of disruption for the IT channel. The surprise of demonetization and implementation of the historic...

NxtGen partners with VMware to deliver scalable and secure cloud environments

VMware and NxtGen Data Center and Cloud Services has announced a partnership to offer solutions to enterprises across public clouds and on-premises data centers,...

Innovation coupled with execution is key to success: Alok Gupta, Pyramid Cyber Security &...

Alok Gupta, Founder and CEO, Pyramid Cyber Security & Forensic shares insights into how the company has strengthened its position in the field of cyber security, digital forensics, and fraud management

Out motto is to provide a world of secure computing: Nityanand Shetty, Essen Vision

Nityanand Shetty, MD, Essen Vision shares insights into the company's focus on the security domain and how it has become the preferred security partner for the customers

We are a catalyst in the digital disruption era: Devendra Deshmukh, E-Zest

Devendra Deshmukh, CEO and Founder, E-Zest talks about how the company has developed its own solution accelerators to offer quality services to the customers

Combine IoT with AI to tap full potential of IoT: Col. Balwinder Singh, Targus...

Col. Balwinder Singh, Managing Director, Targus Technologies shares his accomplishments as an army officer and how he worked on the mission of establishing the company in the competitive landscape
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Hewlett Packard Enterprise and Danfoss partner to curb data centre energy consumption and reuse...

Hewlett Packard Enterprise and Danfoss announced their collaboration to deliver HPE IT Sustainability Services – Data Centre Heat Recovery, an off-the shelf heat recovery...

CERT-In and Mastercard India sign MoU for collaboration in cyber security to enhance India’s...

Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) is a Government organisation under the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India. CERT-In has been...

Hewlett Packard Enterprise introduces new AI and hybrid cloud programs to boost partner profitability

Hewlett Packard Enterprise announced a new AI enablement program, in collaboration with NVIDIA, designed to boost profitability and deliver new revenue streams for partners....
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