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We need to keep evolving to remain relevant: Atul Mehta, Compuage Infocom

Atul Mehta, CMD, Compuage Infocom talks about the company's strong distribution network and how it is addressing the dynamic business requirements of enterprises

We are the most admired VAD in the country: Suresh Pansari, Rashi Peripherals

Suresh Pansari, Co-founder and Managing Director, Rashi Peripherals talks about how the company came out of traditional ways of distribution business and in turn, offered more value to customers
Bimal Das_HCL Infosystems

HCL Infosystems’ launches Premier Partner Programme (P3) for its partners

The Enterprise Distribution arm of HCL Infosystems today announced the launch of its P3 or Premier Partner Programme for its channel partners across India....
ASIRT-Dell Meeting

Dell enthralls ASIRT with a knowledge session on tech revolution in business

ASIRT organized their monthly Tech day which was exclusively sponsored by Dell EMC Platinum Partner, Miracle Tech, to showcase the brand’s seamless tech solutions...
Sanjay Zadoo, Country Manager, Vertiv Energy

Move to channel sales strategy has resulted in increased agility, decisiveness and investment capability,...

Vertiv Energy moved from a direct sales strategy to a channel led sales model after it was taken over by the private equity firm...
R S Shanbhag, Founder

How to scale up the IT channel business

R S Shanbhag, Chairman and MD, Valuepoint Group shares the secret to his successful run in the IT channel business The Valuepoint group has sixteen...
Devendra Taneja_PC Solutions

UPL achieves bolstered mobility and security powered by Microsoft Azure

Collaboration has undergone an enterprise makeover in recent years. Growing organizations and multi-national enterprises need solutions that allow their employees to work while on...
Limesh Parekh_Enjay

CRM for BFSI Segment: An Overview

This post is contributed by Limesh Parekh, CEO of Enjay IT Solutions Customer Relationship Management or CRM has already proved itself instrumental in various sectors, not...
P S Neogi_Redington

We have evolved as a solution-oriented distributor: P S Neogi, Redington India

P S Neogi, Joint COO, Redington India shares insights into the company's strategies for future growth and its increased focus on the cloud services...
Devendra Taneja_PC Solutions

Spearheading the era of transformation through IT: Devendra Taneja, PC Solutions

Devendra Taneja, Director, PC Solutions talks about how cloud based solutions are enabling enterprises transform their businesses Tell us about your journey as an IT...
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New Cloudflare Report Shows Organisations Struggle with Outdated Security Approaches, While Online Threats Increase

Cloudflare, Inc. , the leading connectivity cloud company, today published its State of Application Security 2024 Report. Findings from this year's report reveal that...

Adobe Express for Education Fuels Strong Growth in Next-Gen Creativity and Job Skills Reaching...

This week, at the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) ISTELive24 annual conference, Adobe announced strong growth in the number of K-12 and...

New Relic Integrates its Observability Platform with NVIDIA NIM to Accelerate AI Adoption and...

New Relic, the all-in-one observability platform for every engineer, announced it is integrating its platform with NVIDIA NIM inference microservices to reduce the complexity...
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