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Growth and sustainability is a promise from Cisco to its partner ecosystem: Daisy Chittilapilly

Cisco is transitioning quickly from a hardware focused company to a software services entity, as networks and data centers become more software defined. Daisy...

We don’t want to oversubscribe the channel: Harpreet Bhatia, Palo Alto Networks

Palo Alto Networks believes in taking prevention-oriented approach for managing the enterprise security solutions. The company is betting big on cloud services and realigning...

Five Indian partners recognized as leaders in helping Amazon Web Services Cloud customers drive...

Amazon Internet Services Private Limited (AISPL), an company, today announced the 2018 APN Excellence Award winners, recognizing leaders in the India channel playing a key...

‘As-A-Service’ model: The future for partners operating in cyber security domain

It will be difficult for partners, who are offering traditional cyber security solutions, to continue with their current model. Cloud has upended the business...

Fortinet expects significant growth from MSSP partners

Fortinet, last year, has revamped its MSSP partner programme, alongside introducing new offerings for its MSSP partners. Jitendra Ghughal, Director, Channels – India and...

Services and support will become the prime drivers for partners: Rajesh Goenka, Rashi Peripherals

Rashi Peripherals is putting in a lot of efforts and budget for hard and soft skills training for its employees. Rajesh Goenka, Vice President,...

Banking and financial services to be Fujitsu’s focus this year

Andy Stevenson, Head of Middle East, Turkey and India; Managing Director for India, Fujitsu explains the company’s focus areas, current market scenario and opportunities...

Dell is accelerating partner business growth: Michael Dell at Dell Technologies World 2018

Dell Technologies Chairman and CEO Michael Dell has kicked off one of the IT industry’s premier events, Dell Technologies World 2018. An expected 14,000...

Partners led mid-market approach becomes a growth engine for SAP India: Vivek Malhotra

For SAP India, close to 80 percent of customers in India are SMEs, most which are facilitated by SAP India’s partners, explains Vivek Malhotra, Vice President—Global...

We want all of our strategic partners to be managed services partners: Jagdish Mahapatra,...

In a conversation with CRN, Jagdish Mahapatra, Chief of Channel, APAC, McAfee, shares about the current security market scenario with a focus on the...
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New Cloudflare Report Shows Organisations Struggle with Outdated Security Approaches, While Online Threats Increase

Cloudflare, Inc. , the leading connectivity cloud company, today published its State of Application Security 2024 Report. Findings from this year's report reveal that...

Adobe Express for Education Fuels Strong Growth in Next-Gen Creativity and Job Skills Reaching...

This week, at the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) ISTELive24 annual conference, Adobe announced strong growth in the number of K-12 and...

New Relic Integrates its Observability Platform with NVIDIA NIM to Accelerate AI Adoption and...

New Relic, the all-in-one observability platform for every engineer, announced it is integrating its platform with NVIDIA NIM inference microservices to reduce the complexity...
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