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Internet users in India is expected to reach 500 million by June 2018

Mobvista  recognizes India as a high-priority market for mobile advertising and thus, reinforces its commitment to the region by expanding operations. Since Mobvista started...

By 2025, in India digital transactions could be worth $1 trillion annually

ACI Worldwide together with AGS Transact Technologies (AGSTTL) has unveiled ‘Transactions 2025,’ an in-depth insight into India’s digital payments revolution. It outlines the key...

SonicWall Cyber Threat Report Illustrates Intense Cyber Arms Race

SonicWall announced research and intelligence findings from its 2018 Cyber Threat Report. In sum, the company recorded 9.32 billion malware attacks in 2017 and...

Iris Global launches Garini security solution in India

Iris Global Services, system integration part of  IT distribution house- Iris computer is now venturing into cybersecurity space with a Singapore based Garini Technologies...

AI, Intelligent Apps, Analytics, Conversational Platforms, and IoT are some strategic technology trends for...

Beginning of the year is the right time to evaluate the past progress and plan new strategies for development. There are numerous things on...

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We have a strong partner portal for our B2B business partners: Altaf Halde, Managing...

Kaspersky Lab has a long history of working with the channel community, and has recently undertaken a series of channel initiatives for incentivising its...

Digital transformation does not mean only building the asset: Varoon Rajani, Co-Founder & CEO...

Varoon Rajani, Co-Founder & CEO of BlazeClan Technologies, talks about the company’s journey as a Premier Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud Consulting partner providing cloud consulting and managed services to customers across different vertical industries

We are on a geo-expansion spree: Biren Yadav, MD, Bluecom Infotech

Biren Yadav, MD, Bluecom Infotech talks about the company's focus on the hardware business and specialization on Lenovo products

We are one of the early adopters of cloud: Manish Tandon, Managing Director, Questa...

Manish Tandon, Managing Director, Questa Software Solutions talks about how the company has developed expertise in licensing consultancy and project management
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AI is transforming industries, processes, and is bound to change the way we live...

In an insightful interaction with CRN India, Arun Balasubramanian, VP & MD for India & South Asia, UiPath, discusses the rapid growth and strategic...

You shall not pass. Kaspersky checked 193 million passwords for resistance to various compromising...

According to the research results, 45% of all analysed passwords (87M) could be guessed by scammers within a minute. Only 23% (44M) of combinations...

Introducing ESET HOME Security Ultimate: AI-enhanced protection for today’s digital homes

ESET is pleased to announce the launch of ESET HOME Security Ultimate, the most advanced subscription tier in the comprehensive cybersecurity solution ESET HOME...
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