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Trend Micro banks upon root-cause solutions to address multiple security problems

In an interaction with CRN, Nilesh Jain, Vice President – South East Asia and India, Trend Micro, shares about the company’s unique market positioning, current security trends environment and focus areas for 2018 and 2019

Kaspersky stresses on channel partners for its growth plan in 2018-19

In an exclusive interaction with CRN, Shrenik Bhayani, General Manager of Kaspersky Lab (South Asia), charts out the company's focus and efforts on products...

Top trends that will influence Indian IT channel business in 2018

By Rajesh Goenka The year 2017 was truly the year of disruption for the IT channel. The surprise of demonetization and implementation of the historic...

Innovation coupled with execution is key to success: Alok Gupta, Pyramid Cyber Security &...

Alok Gupta, Founder and CEO, Pyramid Cyber Security & Forensic shares insights into how the company has strengthened its position in the field of cyber security, digital forensics, and fraud management

We have transformed from a license provider to an IT solution company: Amarnath Shetty,...

Amarnath Shetty, MD, LDS Infotech shares the success story of the company and how it has mastered the art of addressing the customer requirements

Out motto is to provide a world of secure computing: Nityanand Shetty, Essen Vision

Nityanand Shetty, MD, Essen Vision shares insights into the company's focus on the security domain and how it has become the preferred security partner for the customers

We are the most admired VAD in the country: Suresh Pansari, Rashi Peripherals

Suresh Pansari, Co-founder and Managing Director, Rashi Peripherals talks about how the company came out of traditional ways of distribution business and in turn, offered more value to customers
P S Neogi_Redington

We have evolved as a solution-oriented distributor: P S Neogi, Redington India

P S Neogi, Joint COO, Redington India shares insights into the company's strategies for future growth and its increased focus on the cloud services...
Devendra Taneja_PC Solutions

Spearheading the era of transformation through IT: Devendra Taneja, PC Solutions

Devendra Taneja, Director, PC Solutions talks about how cloud based solutions are enabling enterprises transform their businesses Tell us about your journey as an IT...
Nitin Shah, Allied Digital

We are a global digital transformation architect: Nitin Shah, Allied Digital Services

Nitin Shah, Chairman and MD, Allied Digital Services shares insights into the company’s transformational journey and how it is keeping pace with the changing...
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AI is transforming industries, processes, and is bound to change the way we live...

In an insightful interaction with CRN India, Arun Balasubramanian, VP & MD for India & South Asia, UiPath, discusses the rapid growth and strategic...

You shall not pass. Kaspersky checked 193 million passwords for resistance to various compromising...

According to the research results, 45% of all analysed passwords (87M) could be guessed by scammers within a minute. Only 23% (44M) of combinations...

Introducing ESET HOME Security Ultimate: AI-enhanced protection for today’s digital homes

ESET is pleased to announce the launch of ESET HOME Security Ultimate, the most advanced subscription tier in the comprehensive cybersecurity solution ESET HOME...
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