I hope to inspire young girls and women to pursue their passions: Anuja Parikh, CEO, Intech System

Anuja Parikh, CEO, Intech Systems

I consider myself different as I can still code and understand technology, but at the same time apply technology to create unique solutions that could solve customers’ problems. Throughout my global career, it is this ability to understand customer problems and needs and how technology can help solve a problem that has helped me to build a company

Journey as an entrepreneur
I don’t consider myself as an entrepreneur only. I have been a professional for several years before taking on the role of an entrepreneur. I have had the privilege of working for a couple of Silicon Valley companies post my MS in MIS and MBA in the US. This gives me the unique ability to understand hypergrowth in technology domains and what professionally managed technology companies look like when they “grow up”.

This experience in the US has helped the entrepreneur journey in India when I joined Intech Systems. I feel that my strength lies in the ability to identify problems and creatively work to find the right solutions.

Role model
I am inspired by each story where someone has come out of challenging situations. Early on my role model was my mother who at that time was a doctor and an entrepreneur, starting her own clinic, and managing both work and home effectively, at the same time.

I feel inspired by women tech leaders like Sheryl Sandberg of Facebook as well as from diverse fields like Indra Nooyi of Pepsi and the former first lady of USA, Michelle Obama. In addition, my inspiration is my daughter for whom I want to be a role model. It’s part of her grooming to be a leader for tomorrow – training her to think big, take risks from a very young age.

Key achievements
Work wise, I would say doubling growth in the last three years has been the biggest accomplishment. This was possible due to continuous focus, grit and hard work. The focus was to bring in a change to a legacy business – essentially a major transformation in our working. Changing the focus of the company to delivering services from a very localised market to global multinational clients, from being only a services company to additionally providing consulting and now creating new IP and products have all been critical to delivering on the new strategy. Personally, I feel quite proud that I have been able to still manage and lead my firm while ensuring that my kids, who are naturally gifted, accomplish to their potential.

Work-life balance
I believe that first one needs to define what makes one happy and what is one’s definition of work-life balance. I wake up early – 5:30 in the morning so I can go for my runs and finish that before the world wakes up and before I drop my kids to school. Planning is very important. I plan things ahead so that I can spend quality time with kids while ensuring I complete work.

Women in IT – a rare breed?
It’s not just in IT. Women in a leadership position in any industry are rare. In fact, the statistics of women in leadership positions are dropping. There is a 25 per cent drop in the share of women CEOs – only 23 are women, in Fortune 500 firms in 2018 – a mere 5.4 per cent. India ranks third lowest in the proportion of business leadership roles held by women.

Life ahead
One cannot predict what products and technology trends will be there in 5+ years. So, I don’t believe in planning that far out. The pleasure is in driving change when we are having phenomenal growth in cloud, analytics, and IT space.

I want to expand our solutions platform to data analytics and IoT – something that we have already started investing in. With that set of solutions, I want us to be recognised as a leader worldwide. I want to be a true leader – giving space and freedom for the creation of new ideas and talent.

I hope through my journey, I will also make difference in other people’s lives and inspire other young girls and women to pursue their passions. I hope to coach and mentor them.



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